Build School bus routes with RollCall and display them in real-time on your school's own website.

Give parents the opportunity to view all of your current school bus routes live, with RollCall instant updates.

School Bus Tracker App

Partners across Australia trust and integrate with rollcall

Bus Safety System
School bus application
How to track school bus
School Bus Tracker App
School bus student tracking
Test out our iFrame technology below, you are looking at school bus routes in a live RollCall environment

Display your school bus route changes instantly with RollCall

Track school buses

Plan & Schedule

Significantly improve school bus route planning and efficiency with our smart route function 

RollCall have brought school bus route planning into the digital world (no more photocopied maps on large meeting room tables, or pins and cotton). The effect has been dramatic –  Route planning that used to take days (sometimes weeks) now takes hours.

Real-Time Route Updates

With the use of iFrame technology displaying routes built in RollCall is made simple

Simply copy the code from our cloud admin application and place the code wherever you would like to display your bus routes. The technology works with all websites including WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix. Please don’t hesitate to contact the support team with any queries.

School bus management system

Visualise Your Bus Routes.
Optimise Your Entire Bus Management Process.

Experience the full RollCall suite. Bespoke to your school.

No obligation. No payment required.