Bus Guardian: School bus safety checks to ensure no child is left behind.

Enhance school bus safety checks with Bus Guardian. Paired with the RollCall app and real-time alerts, it ensures peace of mind for all parties involved.

App to Track School Bus

Partners across Australia trust and integrate with rollcall

Bus Safety System
School bus application
How to track school bus
School Bus Tracker App
School bus student tracking
Bus Guardian makes bus travel safer. And in light of recent events we have now included it in our core product free of charge.

How Bus Guardian works for Schools and Bus Companies​

After consulting with several schools and bus companies, RollCall developed Bus Guardian, a system designed to enhance school bus safety checks and ensure no child is left on the bus. This process is centrally tracked on a dashboard, with detailed reports to confirm that all drivers have completed their school bus safety checks before leaving.

All this information can be tracked centrally on a dashboard and reports to ensure that all drivers have checked their bus before leaving. This makes it virtually impossible for a bus driver to finish their run without walking the bus and checking for students.

What do I have to do?

Since it is critical for the safe transport of children, RollCall will waive the service fee of the module to all of our existing and new clients (rollout prior to June 30 2020).  If you would like to add this to your existing RollCall system or you would like to discuss Bus Guardian and RollCall please Book a Demo through the website and one of our team will get in contact with you.

To get a better understanding of Bus Guardian please read the attached case study from our technology partner Samsung.


Fulfil Your Duty of Care.
Optimise Your Entire Bus Management Process with integrated school bus safety checks.

Experience the full RollCall suite. Bespoke to your school.

No obligation. No payment required.